Yvonne DeBandi was born and raised east of the Mississippi River, gracing the classrooms of almost ten different schools before heading to Florida State University to graduate with high honors. Wearing many hats, DeBandi has been self-employed as a Professional Musician, Computer Programmer, Writer, Teacher and Artist for over thirty years, oddly enough with singing being her “day job”. Always on the cutting edge, her most recent projects include 3D Websites and Virtual Worlds in a Browser.
In addition to her excellent educational experiences, she is fast to share that much of her life perspective was learned roaming around the woods and sitting by campfires. The best marshmallow is slightly toasted with a quick flaming. The best campfire music is unrehearsed with group involvement, lyrics made up on the fly because no one remembers the words.
Her animal rescue days began with an injured box turtle named Herbie (after the LoveBug, of course). The second was an abandoned sheltie that followed her home one rainy day while selling Girl Scout Cookies door to door, in the days when knocking on a stranger’s door wasn’t taboo. Her most recent rescue was a bi-polar cat that constantly growls at his own reflection, officially affording her a crazy cat lady badge that she wears with pride.
DeBandi is a prolific writer, currently working on both her fifth and sixth novel. While her novels are complete works of fiction, her experiences as a musician, computer programmer, nature enthusiast, and animal lover shine through in her mysterious, suspenseful tales of inspiration. The most common comment received from her readers is, “I read it in 48 hrs, I just couldn’t put it down.”
To learn more about Yvonne DeBandi visit https://yvonnedebandi.com
Or visit her on Amazon - Yvonne DeBandi Author Page
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